Recommendations: Interactions with Protestant Scholasticism

Sean Member Posts: 1,803 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Hello everyone. I'm a protestant theologian and pastor who tries to be well-read. I am presently going through Heinrich Heppe's Reformed dogmatics, which, unlike its product description, has turned out to be essentially a florilegium of reformed theologians from the period of protestant scholasticism (also known as reformed or protestant orthodoxy). This is defined as:

The developments of Reformed theology in Europe from the confessional writings of the mid-16th century through the substantial, technical Reformed theological writings of the 1590s into the 17th century and concluding in the 18th century. Also called “Reformed scholasticism.”

As far as this sort of thing goes, Heppe's collection is quite interesting. As I'm reading it, however, I'm wondering if there are any systematic, in-depth Catholic responses/interactions to this period of protestant theology and its writing--it's when most of the major substantive works were developed. I'm curious to read any Catholic dialogue or even polemics that emerged during this time. Again, this is the period chiefly from the mid-16C mostly through the 17C--in other words, post-Tridentine; I have the decrees of the council of Trent. I'm looking for developments that happened after the council but before Schleiermacher and the tilt towards liberal theology in continental protestantism.

Any recommendations from you all would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.