Chinese 訂閱方案 vs. English subscriptions

Franky Wong
Franky Wong Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

The page shows Premium / Pro / Max.

I am already subscribed to Pro, and the above page shows that Pro is my "Current Subscription."

However, when I visit, it shows 初級 / 中級 / 高級功能訂閲 and the page does not show I have 中級 even though all of its features appear to be included in the Pro subscription.

The dynamic pricings for the Chinese subscriptions do not seem to consider (1) my current English subscription level nor (2) I already have those Chinese books.

Can the dynamic pricing for the Chinese subscriptions be made smarter to account for the above two factors?


  • Leo Wee Fah
    Leo Wee Fah Member Posts: 595 ✭✭✭

    The dynamic pricings for the Chinese subscriptions do not seem to consider .... (2) I already have those Chinese books.

    May be you need to double check whether your books are 繁体 or 简体.

    For me,  when I was browsing the various Libraries, I was puzzled why it was shown that I do not have 

    "威尔斯比博士BE系列新旧约圣经注释丛书全集(简体: 50本) Warren Wiersbe BE Series OT/NT Commentaries Collection"

    Upon further checking, I realised that my set is 繁体版, not 简体版。Logos never charge us twice...[Y]

  • Franky Wong
    Franky Wong Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    My original question remains the same:

    Can the dynamic pricing for the Chinese subscriptions be made smarter to account for the above two factors?   i.e. English subscription level, and book ownership.

    To clarify, this is a product pricing question, so best answered by someone from Logos :-)

  • Tom Reynolds
    Tom Reynolds Member Posts: 1,458 ✭✭✭

    In other threads it was mentioned by MJ that owning a Verbum subscription is not taken into account when also having a 'regular' subscription. Logos seems to expect customers to have only one.

    Subscription pricing is not reduced when you already own some of the (up to 600 books). This is true across the board.

    I noticed that the Chinese subscriptions are quite a bit cheaper than their English equivalents (by level). Presumably there are less features included. Perhaps you could confirm.

  • Yawen Gao (Faithlife)
    Yawen Gao (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 106

    Hi Franky, one account can only have once subscription and thus dynamic pricing is not applicable. You can switch subscription anytime you want, e.g., from English Pro to 中級 / 高級, and you'll be able to get prorated pricing for the new plans. I hope that helps and let us know if you need any further information! 

    Yawen Gao 高亚雯Chinese Product Specialist

    Follow us on Facebook

  • Franky Wong
    Franky Wong Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    Thanks for getting back.  Can features under the subscriptions be unified for equivalence?  For example, I have the Help Center feature in Pro subscription, but said 幫助中心 has the status of 還未擁有

    This brings up two questions:


    Does it mean I have access to Help Center in English, but will lose access if I switch the language setting to Traditional Chinese and restart the app?  Or do I have the feature regardless of UI language?

    If the feature is the same, even though they may have different ID internally, I think Logos should still recognize the same feature across different language and treat them the same when presented to the user.


    If users can only have one subscription per account, then for features like Timeline and 時間軸  does it mean I can only have one but not both?

    I am on Pro, so I have access to Timeline, and I can see the datasets when I search for "Timeline" in Library.  I do not have access to 時間軸 supposedly because I am currently not subscribed to the Chinese 訂閱方案

    But if I switch to one of the Chinese 訂閱方案 then I assume I will have access to 時間軸 but will lose the English Timeline dataset?

    Can those Chinese features be made available as add-ons for people with English subscriptions to purchase?  This way, users can still have one subscription, but can purchase the Chinese-related features/dataset.


  • Yawen Gao (Faithlife)
    Yawen Gao (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 106

    Hi Ford, for question 1 on Help Center, let me get back to you later as you should have seen "owned" because they share one resource ID. For question 2, you should be able to use Chinese timeline as you've purchased Logos 10 Chinese Full Feature Set. Could you switch to Chinese UI and try timeline there? 

    Yawen Gao 高亚雯Chinese Product Specialist

    Follow us on Facebook

  • Franky Wong
    Franky Wong Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    For question 1, I am waiting for your reply.

    For question 2, Library shows only English timeline resources, no Chinese timeline resources.

    In Library, searching for "type:timeline OR type:interactive" shows I have 38 English and 15 Chinese resources, but Timeline has only 8 English and no Chinese.

    If Logos only allows English or Chinese subscription (but not both), then users can only have English or Chinese timeline resources but not both, even when (in my case) the user has Chinese feature set?

  • Joy Lin
    Joy Lin Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 52

    Hi, Franky, 

    If you own the Chinese 10 bilingual full feature set, you have own the timeline,you can use the English and Chinese timeline. 

  • Franky Wong
    Franky Wong Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    Yes, I know, but if you re-read my question and screenshot, why is there both English and Chinese resources for Interactive type, but only English resources for Timeline?  Something is missing.

  • Joy Lin
    Joy Lin Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 52

    Franky, Thanks your reply. I need to figure out what difference between Chinese and English, please wait for me 2-3 days. Thanks for your question.[Y]