Audio Fade

Shara Heiniger (Logos)
Member, Logos Employee Posts: 132
It would be really helpful to be able to fade out background music on a slide over a specified duration. Ideally, over 5–10 seconds.
The particular application I have in mind is at the start of a funeral service. When the coffin arrives at the front of church, I want to fade out the entrance music when I advance to the next slide, but currently that causes background music to fade out over about 1 second, which feels very abrupt. It would be great if it were made possible to specify the fade out duration for the music. Or perhaps it could be linked to the transition time for the slide itself?
The particular application I have in mind is at the start of a funeral service. When the coffin arrives at the front of church, I want to fade out the entrance music when I advance to the next slide, but currently that causes background music to fade out over about 1 second, which feels very abrupt. It would be great if it were made possible to specify the fade out duration for the music. Or perhaps it could be linked to the transition time for the slide itself?
This is my biggest gripe about Proclaim and makes the background audio feature nearly useless. It should be so simple allow a custom fade time, I don't understand how this is still just sitting here 😭