Able to Edit Presentations on the go via Android and Apple App
It would be nice to edit slides and notes via the app. The current app is suitable for presenting but does not allow us to edit the presentation. Sometimes, you may want to edit or delete some slides, but you are not close to the laptop or computer.
Bring Norwegian Bible2024 to Proclaim
I know some churches in Norway uses Proclaim, but would also be happy to learn more about how wide the use of Proclaim is in norway. We have just released a new translation in norwegian, Bible2024, and it would be of our interest to make our translations avaliable in Proclaim if possible.
Search feature in Proclaim
I would like to see a search feature in Procalim. My presentations have many slides with text, and it would be helpful to find a slide with a specific word rather than having to click on several to see if it is the correct slide. Thank you.
OneLicense and other licensing agencies
It would be great if Proclaim had support for other licensing agencies than CCLI, particularly OneLicense, which is the other big licensing agency. OneLicense wouldn't bring in text like CCLI does, but in the place where it says "CCLI License Number" if we could simply and easily switch that on songs to other licenses and…
Preset Presentations for repeated services in Proclaim
It would be great to be able to create a new presentation that has slides that I use every service already added in. Announcements such as Service Times I use every single time. I would like to not have to go and add it in every time I make the new presentation. same with my notes for my Pastor. I tend to have just use the…
Change the size, font type, highlight, color of text in the Notes and see it in Presenter Notes
In Proclaim: It will be nice to change the size, font type, highlight, and color of the text in the Notes to make these changes visible as a presenter in our presenter notes.
Worship Team Access
Would be useful to have the ability to restrict access to songs from different worship teams. In the same way you can give users access to only certain presentation teams, it would be useful if you could give certain presentation teams access to only certain worship teams.
Display Additional Outputs in Preview Mode
In Preview Mode, it's great that we can see the main slide either big center or the top right when on grid. But above or below Quick Slides (whether in grid mode or main-slide mode), there should be the ability to display additional outputs, showing Low Thirds, Confidence, and Notes. In additional, should a user want to…
Schedule Days of the Week in Sign Feed
Right now, under "Sign Feed display schedule", you can only specify start and stop date. It would be really helpful if you could specify which days of the week a slide appeared. Like I want "Bible Study Today" to appear only on Wednesdays (before noon, if possible). Or "The Office is Open" to only appear on weekdays…
Display Verse / Chorus with Song
Especially for our traditional service with the hymnal, we like to display the current verse number on the screen after the song number. This helps people not get lost if they are looking in the hymnal and we skip verses. This would simply be adding an additional checkbox in the song item to show verse number on every…
Display / Search Hymnal Number in Search
One of our services uses contemporary mostly songs found on CCLI. Our other service, like many churches, uses a hymnal. But in Proclaim Song Item, when we search for "Bless Now, O God" - it doesn't show the hymn number in the search, which would be really, really helpful. Moreover, if we search 838, it doesn't find "Bless…
Display Hymn Numbers in Search Results
For our contemporary service this doesn't matter, but for our traditional service, it'd be really helpful when typing a hymn into the search on the Song Media Item if it'd say "Title of Hymn" - "Hymn #" for the header. We can already search by hymn numbers, but this would just make things visually easier.
Multiple backgrounds within a song
I've read the community notes on how to do this, but all of them are cumbersome and require multiple steps, merging sections, etc. Would it be possible to add a feature where you could simply select the slide where you want the image or motion background to change, then select a new background?
Not On Air Option
I would like to see a Not On Air option. Proclaim would operate as though it is On Air, but it would not record, interrupt the Sign Feed, or track song usage. It would be for things like praise team rehearsal.
Feature to manage the audio library
We use MP3 tracks in our pre and post service loops but I find the management of these tracks difficult and restricted. For example, to view the MP3 tracks in our library I click on the blue speaker icon and click 'Add audio tracks' and then 'Browse audio'. This pulls up a list of 'My content' but all I can do with that is…
Webapp version of Proclaim
A webapp version of Proclaim would be a great feature, meaning the ability to run Proclaim from within a web browser? One of the reasons has to do with Microsoft's plan to drop support for Windows 10 in October, which will force many people who are not in the position to purchase new computers, to either move to Linux or…
iPad Revamp
I love Logos on the desktop. However the Mobile App version [specifically on the iPad] isn't as inviting. Yes the tools are there but the functionality of use feels sluggish and clunky; not sure if that's the right way to describe it. Would love that the iPad/Mobile version UI was more inviting and the use of the App was…
Option to maintain font settings on confidence monitor
We use different font colors on our main screen and would like to option of maintaining the font settings such as color on the confidence monitor. An option to maintain background could also be useful. We have a large screen for people at the front to see so do not need to have larger font sizes or remove background. As a…
Bring Back Proclaim Music Website Link Button
In the most recent update ( - Tuesday, January 21, 2025) The button on SONG that you could press and it would take you to the proclaim music website for the selected song was removed (Unless im missing something). This button was very useful for working with multiple teams and keeping music organized. Please…
Audio Bin
It would be very helpful to have a media bin for audio files like Pro Presenter has for when we are needing to load performance tracks in the presentation and want to change the file without having to edit a slide or add a slide as a place holder.
Lower 3rd for On Screen Bible on Alternative Content
We really love the On Screen Bible, but what would make it even more amazing if there was an option to have a lower 3rd of it that can go to the alternative Content screen as we video all our services and need to stop cutting away from the preacher. It is fine for in person, but online and other campuses need to see the…
Wider Scroll Bars
Could you make the scroll bars wider? I'd like to speed up my navigation up and down using the scroll bar in the Order of Service Overview area (left side), but I find it very difficult to find the scroll bar area to click in or grab the handle. It's very frustrating. Thank you for your consideration. Jennifer Chavez…
Customize Media Boards that are created
It would be neat to be able to customize or alphabetize the Created Media Boards for quicker access to content in each one. I have over 34 and it gets hard to find suff.
Dutch Bible's title page is in English but the rest of the Bible is in Dutch
Customer request: Inside Proclaim using the on-screen Bible. We use https://www.logos.com/product/225981/de-nieuwe-bijbelvertaling-2021 but the Title of the book stays English though while the Bible itself is Dutch. It's not this way in Logos.
Live Closed Captioning
Would like a way to add live AI generated closed captioning to our live in-house service via Proclaim as a lower 3rd (or similar) or be sent as a separate output to a separate monitor/TV for live in house worship service. Audio would be coming into proclaim computer using a mic feed from the sound board. Functional desire…
Opportunities for Russian speakers to translate and read using AI
I speak Russian, but I don't know English well. There are millions of Russian speakers around the world like me. But for some reason, the site still doesn't have Russian. And also, I would like you to adapt the translation of books through artificial intelligence. On devices like a phone or iPad. I would like it to be…
Ability to Schedule Time of Text Box On Announcement Video
In an announcement video that says, "upcoming events" as an example, then 3 seconds in, a text box pops up with the events.
Video Subtitles
This is a feature request to have the option to add subtitles, .srt, for example, to Video slides in Proclaim. At the moment, the only feasible way to do this (according to my knowledge) is to burn the subtitles on the video before adding them to Proclaim, but this is time-consuming and not technically possible for most…
allow CCLI Reports to be customized to report only songs used for a date range.
Allow CCLI Reports to be customized to report only songs used for a date range.
Missing default media template settings
Hi! When using the new Slide canva's or on-screen bible the virtual screen we use for our stream output is default set as mirror. I'd like to be able to default this to a blank or a blank template. We don't want to accidentaly fullscreen the on-screen bible or slide canva's on our livestream.
Choosing different default slide transitions per virtual screen.
Hi! I'd love to set lyric scrolling for our slides we show in church. But i'd like just a normal fade for our livestream output. I know i can change this per item by clicking on our virtual screen for our lower thirds and changing the transition to fade but i'd like to make this a default setting.
Import from Canva
When creating a slideshow it would be awesome to be able to import directly from Canva in addition to the browser/file upload. The thing that makes Proclaim special is its cloud-based approach. Integrating other cloud based platforms like canva, drive, dropbox, iCloud etc. seems like major value add for the platform. If…
Automatic [blank] in between verse's/chorus while using lyric scrolling
When we use lyric scrolling there is no way for the congregation to see when a new verse starts or ends without manually putting a [blank] slide in between verse's and chorus. Would love for an option to automatically leave a blank space in between them.
Automatic [blank] slide between verse's/chorus for lyric scrolling
When we use lyric scrolling there is no way for the congregation to see when a new verse starts or ends without manually putting a [blank] slide in between verse's and chorus. Would love for an option to automatically leave a blank space in between them.
Customer Requests
Removing OpenLP as the middle man between Song Show Plus and Proclaim. The ability to delete a file in Proclaim and remove all songs that are saved to music.proclaim.logos.com. The ability to backup songs to an external file. When I searched for the song "O Come, O Come Emmanuel", it showed one result and a "more >>"…
Projection mapping
Unlike Resolume and PP3 which are all independent software. I have been testing proclaim and resolume together and i got it to work with third party app like syphoner to direct the output of proclaim into resolume. This adds lag to our video wall. Having projection mapping naive would be take proclaim to another level. A…
Stage Confidence show Web Page
It would be great to show the webpage view on Confidence display. It will show on other display settings but not on Confidence view. If a cue could also be added to switch between a display having a Stage Confidence view or Main Display view.
Control "Enable Video Input" separately for each virtual screen
The setting "Enable Video Input" can be used to show a video feed behind a slide. The area for video is selected using the transparent areas of the slide. This is really useful to display video from a camera on the screen in church. However consider the case where as well as the main "Slides" output for display in church,…
Customer Suggestion: Not having Open and Duplicate So Close Together
Accidentally duplicated a presentation instead of opened it as they're so close together. Maybe have something in between open/duplicate options as a buffer.
OSC support
It would be useful to have support for OSC for remote communication on top of midi.
Copy-Paste Options for Bible Verses
Logos is an incredible tool for Bible study, and I use it almost daily! However, I’d love an option on modile devices to customize how Bible verses are copied and pasted. For example, being able to choose whether the chapter and verse reference is included (or left out) when pasting would make it even more versatile. It’s…
Color Coded Notes
it would be super useful to color code the notes to highlight texts, illustrations, and more so that the transitions in a sermon (or skit) can be more easy to see at a glance or for different characters in skits to have different colors for their lines.
Customer Request: Simplifying Process for Adding Team Members
Good day, I am asking you to make the process of answering an invitation to join a music team more friendly to those who have limited computer skills. I would like valuable team members, that don't like using technology, to have access to upcoming presentations. I am not an expert on all things computer, but to test your…
Proclaim Media - "Sort by" - Include "Name" as a "Sort by" selection
"Sort by" - Include "Name" as a Sort by selection: Currently, users can sort by Rating/Best Match/Trending/Most Popular/Newest. If a user wants to sort by Name, no joy. This is bad for people who name files like Page 01, Page 02, Page 03… Bonus: Sort by Oldest. Or, even better, sort by date (ascending/descending) Bonus:…
Customer Request: More Information on imported audio file
More information, ie. verse 1, chorus 2, bridge, etc. about an audio file so smaller sections can be rehearsed instead of the full song having to be played to get to that section.
Animation of elements in the editing tool
Just like canva or ProPresentation you can animated each element individually not just animate the whole page. So example i am doing a lower third and i want to animate the names differently from the background, whether i wanted to the name of the person slide in first and then title underneath that name slides in after.
Expose the Pager feature in the API
I'd like to be able to enter a parent code on a tablet from the nursery and page the parents without having to leave the room to go to the sound booth, or figure out who to text, or worry about using radios. It would be great if I could just page them from the classroom from a simple web/mobile app I've created. Exposing…
Live Closed Captions English to Spanish
I would like to see a feature in Proclaim where closed captions/subtitles can be integrated in the presentations and, that the source captions are in English and output in Spanish or another language. This feature is in PowerPoint and Keynote. PowerPoint has it more developed and it is a very useful tool in a bilingual…
Feature Request -- Native WebP/AVIF support in Proclaim
Online media is increasingly being served using modern image standards. Pastors and teachers often incorporate images found online under fair use principles. Native support for WebP/AVIF images without conversion to JPEG using third party tools would be extremely beneficial in streamlining the process.
Repeat Videos in a Service Item group
It would be nice to be able to repeat videos in a Service Item group like you can with graphics. I prepared a presentation for a kids event at our church today, and we need to repeat 3 short videos over and over for a 90 minute period. I can't use the Pre-Service or Post-Service loops because I need to have the start and…