The Kleinman Edition Midrash Rabbah (17-volume set)

Rosie Perera
Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
ArtScroll Mesorah Publications, 2016

See several sample pages here:

Ooh, this looks like an awesome resource! It would be great to be able to click on references from Logos books to GenR, SongR, and other books of the Midrash Rabbah, and go to those texts. There are plenty of such references in my Logos library, and in a Kindle book I was reading. I'd love to be able to dig deeper in my research.
9 votes

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  • Great Books! 
  • Emory Horvath
    Emory Horvath Member Posts: 39 ✭✭
    And the other major Artscroll works would be useful too.  But i foresee lots of probably insurmountable problems with getting them into Logos!