Rejoicing in Christ by Michael Reeves
Christianity Today Beautiful Orthodoxy Book of the Year Finalist If we want to know who God is, the best thing we can do is look at Christ. If we want to live the life to which God calls us, we look to Christ. In Jesus we see the true meaning of the love, power, wisdom, justice, peace, care and majesty of God. Michael…
Pattern Of Sound Doctrine: Systematic Theology At The Westminster Seminaries: Essays in Honor of Rob
This volume, in four parts, examines the contributions of Westminster theologians and the several topics from the early days up to present-day discussions. Kindle Link:
Gaps in important Catholic encyclicals
Writing a paper on liturgical theology in the 20th century, and went to Verbum so that I could reference important encyclicals… only to find them missing. My next thought was to check out the Logos store, to see if they simply weren't included in the base package levels I've accumulated over the years… only to find they're…
"Please help me purchase the IVP 성경연구주석 (EERDMANS COMMENTARY on the BIBLE). The Korean e-book version is already available."
The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible
I would be happy about an Italian translation of the book "The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible" Thank you
Explore the Book by Jay Sidlow Baxter
Shame Interrupted: How God Lifts the Pain of Worthlessness and Rejection
counseling resource Product Details ASIN: B007WWB990 Publisher: New Growth Press (April 21, 2012) Publication date: April 21, 2012
Signed, Sealed, Delivered: An Introduction to Covenant Theology by J.V. Fesko
From beginning to end, the Bible reveals God’s gracious plan of salvation. To trace this unfolding plan and to find our place within it, Christians must give careful attention to the covenants God makes in Scripture. In Signed, Sealed, Delivered, Dr. J.V. Fesko introduces the essential elements of Reformed covenant…
The Miracle of Theophilus, by Gautier de Coinci
Another example of this wonderful catalogue. TEAMS blurb: The legend of Theophilus is the most famous medieval miracle story. A good man gives in to Vain Glory, sells his soul to the Devil, has a terrible crisis of conscience, and is saved by the Virgin. The story is translated into all European languages and appears in…
The Commentary of Abraham ibn Ezra on the Book of Job by Jason Kalman
This publisher has many related, useful texts. TEAMS blurb: The book of Job was among the most popular books of study for Jewish scholars in the Middle Ages. With its themes of suffering, providence, and theodicy it attracted much attention despite the difficulty of its language. Abraham ibn Ezra (1089-1164) was born in…
Two Middle English Prayer Cycles: Holkham Prayers and Meditations and Simon Appulby, The Fruyte of R
This publisher has a number of interesting publications in an area where other series appear to have stalled. I have several Latin commentaries which are brillant. TEAMS blurb: his volume presents the first critical editions of two fascinating but overlooked medieval prayer sequences: the Holkham “Prayers and Meditations”…
The Messiah in the Temple by Roger Liebi
The symbolism and significance of the Second Temple in light of the New Testament.
Dale Allison "The Sermon on the Mount: Inspiring the Moral Imagination"
Like a Tree Planted: An Exploration of Psalms and Parables Through Metaphor by Barbara Green OP
I was sure I had this in Verbum but it looks like Logos doesn't carry this. It is an important study on the use of metaphor across time. Amazon blurb: How well are the psalms understood? The parables seem more accessible, but are they? And as familiar as we are with the texts of the psalms and the parables, how open are we…
J.B. Philipps Translation of the New Testament.
Excellent translation of the New Testament.
Robert Alter Translation of the Hebrew Bible
Excellent translation of the Hebrew Bible.
McKnight - Matthew: Living Everyday as Jesus Taught Us (New Testament Everyday Bible Study Series)
The Medieval Popular Bible: Expansions of Genesis in the Middle Ages by Brian Murdock
Amazon blurb: The presentation, the use, and the possible reception of the book of Genesis to lay audience largely unable to read the original texts. What was meant by the medieval popular Bible - what was presented as biblical narrative to an audience largely unable to read the original biblical texts? Presentations in…
Imaging the Word: An Arts and Lectionary Resource, Vol. 1-3
This is an essential resource for nearly everyone planning services based on a liturgical year. It is based on a year starting in September while the lectionary cycle begins with Advent so a cycle is split across 2 volumes. Yes, the heavy use of images may make the rights more difficult to obtain but the books are worth…
Lectionary questions and images for building bible lessons
There is supposed to be a year A as well but I don't see it. Amazon blurb: Each week brings a lighthearted opportunity to remember that humor and the gospel are not mutually exclusive. The Drawn to the Gospels series covers all of the Sundays in the lectionary year, as well as special days such as Christmas, Epiphany, Ash…
The Glamour of Grammar - Roy Peter Clark
I am in a writing program and need books by Roy Peter Clark. I found five in the various logos storefronts, but not these: The Glamour of Grammar How to write short any chance of adding them to the catalog?
More Bible resources
Is it possible for Logos to add both the Theodore Beza Textus Receptus and the 2023 KJV?
Iustitia Dei
Probably the most immportant work on the history of justification, now in its 4th printing, is Alister McGrath's Iustitia Dei. It really needs to be offered by Logos.
The Feast of Faith: An Invitation to the Love Feast of the Kingdom of God by Abp Paul of Finland
Amazon blurb: The Eucharist, the Divine Liturgy, is at the very center of the Church's life. A 'pastoral letter'; on the Liturgy to his flock, this work speaks eloquently to all Orthodox, indeed to anyone who seeks to understand the role of liturgy in Eastern Christian life. The author bears witness to the remarkable…
Many tables, The Eucharist in the New Testament and Liturgy Today, Dennis E. Smith, Hal E. Taussig
The Genesis Debate: Three Views on the Days of Creation by J. Ligon Duncan III, David W. Hall, et al
Are the Genesis creation days 24 hours long? Ages of time? Or a literary framework? In The Genesis Debate, three teams of evangelicals committed to the infallibility and inerrancy of Scripture tackle this question head-on by presenting and defending their respective views in a lively, yet friendly, forum. J. Ligon Duncan…
Janet and Geoff Benge's CHRISTIAN HEROES: THEN & NOW series
This is currently only available as audio books. I will like to request them to be available as ebooks.
Callled to share in his life by Franz Jalics
I hope that Verbum will be able to make this rare resource on spirituality available: Callled to share in his life by Franz Jalics
Luigi Giussani: The Religious Sense
Absolutely fabulous first volume of a three-volume course of personal faith exam (and apologetics). I recon that the italian language original won't make it into Logos, so here the english translation. Amazon blurb: The Religious Sense, the fruit of many years of dialogue with students, is an exploration of the search for…
Robert Hoyland: Seeing Islam as Others Saw It
The title came up cited by an other resource in a Smart Search, but the work doesn't seem to be in Logos. Here on amazon with this blurb: This seminal work continues to shape the thought of specialists studying the Late Antique crossroads at which Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, and Islamic histories met, by offering the…
Council of Seleucia-Ctesiphon: Under Mar Isaac 410 AD by Mar Isaac of Seleucia
Essential church history amazon blurb: The Council of Seleucia-Ctesiphon was the Persian council of the Persian church. Convoked by King Yazdegerd I (399-421), it organized the Christians of his empire into a single structured Church, which became known as the Church of the East. The edicts of the council have never before…
Grassroots Asian Theology: Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up by Simon Chan
suggestion removed as this is available I encourage everyone to read this
A New History of Christianity in China by Daniel H. Bays
A volume that begins with Nestorians not Western colonizers/missionaries. Amazon blurb: A New History of Christianity in China, written by one of the world's the leading writers on Christianity in China, looks at Christianity's long history in China, its extraordinarily rapid rise in the last half of the twentieth century,…
The Church of the East: A Concise History (Central Asian Studies) by Wilhelm Baum & Dietmar
This book is not only valuable in its own right but is great at generating interest in other resources from the ancient church of the east and Nestorians. Amazon blurb: The Church of the East is currently the only complete history in English of the East Syriac Church of the East. It covers the periods of the Sassanians,…
Echoes of Ararat: A Collection of Over 300 Flood Legends from North and South America - Nick Liguori
More than 300 Flood traditions from all over North and South America are included, organized by regions beginning in Canada and proceeding southward. In Echoes of Ararat, author Nick Liguori contends that oral traditions of the Flood and the survival of the few inside the floating Ark-are even more prevalent than…
I request the work Family 35 - 4rd edition
I request the work of Wilbur N. Pickering The Greek New Testament According to Family 35 - 4rd edition, with the Greek text and the critical apparatus: https://clubedeautores.com.br/livro/the-greek-new-testament-2
God of the Living: A Biblical Theology (2011)
Can we make this resource available again in Logos? URL: Blurb: In God of the Living, noted biblical scholars Reinhard Feldmeier and Hermann Spieckermann provide a comprehensive theology of the God of the Christian Bible. A remarkable achievement, God of the Living joins together the very best of Old and New Testament…
[Indonesian Bible] Alkitab Terjemahan Baru (TB) 2
It's a longshot, but would it be possible to work with Indonesian Bible Society (Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia) to bring the newly published translation Terjemahan Baru 2 to Logos? This bible version is widely used by the majority of the 20 million Christians in Indonesia. Their e-mail contact is biblehouse@alkitab.or.id Thank…
The Faith of the Outsider: Exclusion and Inclusion in the Biblical Story by Frank Anthony Spina
ISBN 978-0802828644
The Three Battlegrounds: An In-Depth View of the Three Arenas of Spiritual Warfare by F. Frangipane
ISBN 978-1886296664
Absolute Surrender: The Blessedness of Forsaking All and Following Christ by Andrew Murray
ISBN 978-1622454495
Brotherhood Primer: A Man's Guide to Turning Buddies Into Brothers by Chris Bruno
ISBN 979-8987746806
Sage: A Man's Guide Into His Second Passage by Chris Bruno
ISBN 979-8218010850
Man Maker Project: A Father's Guide to Initiating His Son to Manhood by Chris Bruno
ISBN 979-8218010294
The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming by Henri Nouwen
Chinese version is already in Logos. Please add the English version of this title.
The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges
Please update resource to the updated 2016 printing.
Add time to reduced top bar
When I am reading on my iPad or iPhone as you scroll down the top bar reduces to show you the title of the book and page number. It would be great if you could also add the current time to that top bar as well.
General History of the Christian Religion and Church by August Neander (d. 1850)
This multi-volume history is a magnificent resource for any study of Christian History, written by "a giant in learning and a saint in piety" (Schaff). Print editions are difficult to come by but worth the money when found. I would love to see LOGOS take this on for digital publication.
The Old Testament and God
Won the Southwestern Journal of Theology 2022 Book Award. Published by Baker Craig Bartholomew's The Old Testament and God is the first volume in his ambitious four-volume project, which seeks to explore the question of God and what happens to Old Testament studies if we take God and his action in the world seriously.…
Peter Lake's On Laudianism: Piety, Polemic and Politics During the Personal Rule of Charles I
An early case of politics-religion cross-pollination. Amazon blurb: Laudianism was both a way of being Christian and a political ideology. This definitive account establishes the theological roots and political resonances of Laudianism, and shows how it was based on the recuperation of the theological principles and…