Evergetinos: Sayings of the Desert Fathers (4 Volume Set - Orthodox)

Eirik Olsen
Eirik Olsen Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
This multi-volume set of the Evergetinos is published by the Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies. Ideally, it is studied in both its Greek original, as well as its English translation.

According to CTOS in 2008 (when the 4th and final volume's translation into English was completed and published), The Evegetinos is "one of the classic collections of Orthodox spiritual writings, the Evergetinos is a source of inspiration, spiritual guidance, and insight into the lives of men and women who, during the first few centuries of Christianity, attained to the highest ideals of the spiritual life. In the spiritual laboratory of the Egyptian deserts, these seekers after salvation, enlightenment, and union with Christ brought into sharp focus the teachings of the Apostles and the message of Holy Writ in their daily lives and activities. The stern, the loving, “fools for Christ”—all of the exemplars of Christian Sainthood, the many inhabitants of the many mansions above, are to be found in the rich and profitable lives portrayed in this collection. Also to be found are perfect models for every modern Christian who wishes sincerely to imitate those who have walked the path towards moral and spiritual perfection."

In addition, according to CTOS (the publishers), "The Evergetinos, compiled by St. Makarios of Corinth and first published by St. Nicodemos in 1783, is a companion volume of The Philokalia—indeed a precursor, of sorts, to that work—, and together with it an essential and classical spiritual guide for Orthodox Christians seeking the inner life of spiritual transformation. The project, a collaborative effort, was initiated by Archbishop Chrysostomos while he was a Visiting Scholar at Oxford University in 1988 and continued to completion under his direction and editorship, and that of Hieromonk Patapios, with the collaboration of Bishop Ambrose of Methone, Bishop Auxentios of Photike, Monk Chrysostomos, Dr. Constantine Kokenes, Nun Lydia, Professor John V. Petropoulos, the late Professor John V. Rexine, and Reverend Gregory Telepneff."

This treasure, especially in both the original Greek with English translation, will be of great interest to Logos's Eastern Orthodox subscribers, many of its Anglican, Catholic, and Lutheran subscribers, along with anyone else who is interested in the desert father tradition of spirituality.

-Fr Eirik Olsen
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