[Reformation commentary] Pious Annotations by Giovanni Diodati (1642)

A Reformed
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[Reformation commentary] Pious Annotations by Giovanni Diodati (1642)
Early English Books Online (University of Michigan Library) link: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/A36033.0001.001/1:7?c=eebo;c=eebo2;g=eebogroup;rgn=div1;view=toc;xc=1;rgn1=author;q1=diodati

Don't be fooled by the seemingly pretentious title! This is a useful and important historical, Reformation-based Calvinist commentary that is lacking on Logos. It is a classic work like this that puts most modern Calvinist commentaries to absolute shame.

Pious annotations, upon the Holy Bible expounding the difficult places thereof learnedly, and plainly: with other things of great importance. By the reverend, learned and godly divine, Mr. John Diodati (1576-1649), minister of the gospell; and now living in Geneva. It is ordered this 11. of Januury, 1642, by the committee of the House of Commons in Parliament, concerning printing, that this exposition of the book of the Old and New Testament, be printed by Nicholas Fussel, stationer. John White.

From the Wikipedia entry "Giovanni Diodati":
Giovanni Diodati or Deodati (3 June 1576 – 3 October 1649) was a Genevan-born Italian Calvinist theologian and translator. His translation of the Bible into Italian from Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Syriac sources became the reference version used by Italian Protestants.

e-Sword module available here: http://www.biblesupport.com/e-sword-downloads/file/11865-1643-pious-annotations-by-giovanni-diodati/
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