Line Wrap on songs

Jordan Sjodin
Jordan Sjodin Member Posts: 52 ✭✭✭
When working with songs if a line of text is to long to fit the text area it shrinks the text. Would be nice to have an option for the text to line wrap so lyrics stay the same size and fill the screen. If too much text exist for size of slide then decrease font size for entire slide.
9 votes

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  • Jerome Brown
    Jerome Brown Member Posts: 10 ✭✭
    It would be great if the song text worked in the same way as the Bible slides - fitting to the available box, rather than forcing individual lines - as an option
  • I definitely agree, particularly with lower thirds lyrics you can fit more text on one line. For example, what might be 4 lines on the main slide (split up with word wrap) is only 2 lines on the lower thirds.
  • Blake Plympton
    Blake Plympton Member Posts: 3
    As a liturgical church, we sometimes have large blocks of text (Our current Prayers of the People has over 500 words). Having an auto paginate feature, or a text wrap would be great. This would allow me to change the text size and have it automatically figure out how many slides to create. This would save me lots of time as we will change these season to season.
  • A thousand times "Yes please!" to this one. In practice I would might well insert manual page breaks in optimal positions, but the current behaviour is utterly infuriating.
  • Tyler Rasmussen
    Tyler Rasmussen Member Posts: 110 ✭✭✭
    This other post is related:
  • Tyler Rasmussen
    Tyler Rasmussen Member Posts: 110 ✭✭✭
    This other post is related:
  • Tyler Rasmussen
    Tyler Rasmussen Member Posts: 110 ✭✭✭
    On the "show title on [title] slide", there's no ability to format a multi-line title.

    Say we have "Our Father, By Whose Name" (actual example). "Name" ends up on a second line. For style, I'd like "By Whose Name" all to be on a second line.

    The only way to do that currently is:
    1) lots of spaces, but then there's lots of spaces in the copyright attribution
    2) delete the title text box and make my own, but then when I copy this song slide to make a new song slide with the same format letter in the service, now I don't have a title text box...

    A single carriage return would be nice, or like if I enter a "double-slash" that will create a carriage return?
  • Yes, the box fill justification option in text boxes are great.  Please bring that to the song section.  That is standard in ProPresenter