Linux/web version

Jacob Barrett
Jacob Barrett Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
I mainly run linux (Ubuntu) during the day ... would really like to not have to boot up Windows just to make changes for Proclaim
8 votes

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  • Member Posts: 226 ✭✭✭
    See also
  • Running Logos9 (and to my knowledge Logos10) is now possible on Linux!
    here is a wonderful wine page with info
    You need to run it with a script, through terminal, the guide above walks you through it in the how to section, I run it on arch and it runs fine. Only a couple issues, don't be alarmed when your computer starts sweating during the library synchronization, this is normal, it will calm down once it is done.

    here is the script-
  • Matthias Aberham
    Matthias Aberham Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
    There is an AppImage / snap (based on Wine) available for Logos10:
    Installation worked fine. But when I try to change settings (e.g. change behavior on startup) the app is crashing.
    Still useful for some limited use cases.
    The main issue for me: It always starts with empty desktop / workspace and I can't  change this behavior because  trying to change the setting makes it crash.