API Improvement - Quick Screens Last Shown

Grace Chapel Admin
Grace Chapel Admin Member Posts: 21 ✭✭✭
We need a way in the API to return to the Last Shown screen after selecting a Quick Screen.
8 votes

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  • Richard Huss
    Richard Huss Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
    Yes, this is one of a number of gaps in the app command API at present. The gaps I noticed, of which your request is basically the third and fourth, were:

    * Show Custom 1 quick screen
    * Show Custom 2 quick screen
    * Text (i.e. the same as F8, when the No Text quick screen has been used)
    * Last shown (i.e. the same as F12, when the Blank/Logo/Custom 1/Custom 2/On Screen Bible quick screen has been used) 
    * On-screen Bible

    It would also be really useful if there was some more status information available - we can get whether Proclaim is "on air" , but if we could know which section of the presentation we're in , what the title of the current on-screen item is , which slide we are on , which quick screens (if any) are active , etc. that would allow the Companion module to be considerably enhanced.  Also any current stage direction could be really useful to be able to display.