New name dialog when duplicating a presentation

Zach Reynolds
Zach Reynolds Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
It would be great to be required to enter a new name immediately when duplicating a presentation. I envision a popup modal that prepopulates with the current presentation's name. You could then type the new name and click OK or cancel out to not duplicate anything.

This name modal would make duplicating a presentation more intentional so people don't accidentally duplicate, thinking they're opening recent presentations instead (since the Open Recent and Duplicate Recent flows are nearly identical). The modal would also help ensure the new presentation gets named correctly and doesn't cause confusion later when someone forgets to rename and there are now two presentations with the same name.

See discussion and motivation behind this request here:
4 votes

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  • Debbie Curry
    Debbie Curry Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
    Agree.  I would like to make it so we CANNOT create a duplicate name.  I would suggest a default suffix, such as 1 or copy to the new name, with the option to accept or type in your new name.  

    I just put in a suggestion that is nearly the same.
  • Zach Reynolds
    Zach Reynolds Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
    @Debbie Curry  I agree. Duplicate name validation would be great--that would eliminate the confusion. I don't see why we'd ever want two presentations with the same name.
  • Debbie Curry
    Debbie Curry Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
    This Is very similar to my unique name request.  I am sure they would be best together.
  • Zach Reynolds
    Zach Reynolds Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
    I actually wonder if some teams use the same presentation name week after week, but just a different date to differentiate. To me, that workflow is not as usable, but that could potentially be a blocker for enforcing unique names if people are doing that today.  Either way, I still think something could be done to prompt the user to enter a new name when duplicating a presentation.