Filter notes by Bible verse range

Devin Roza
Devin Roza Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
If I want to export my notes on a particular passage, it is currently near impossible in notes, especially if I have a lot of notes. Please allow us to filter notes based on a verse range (or in general based on a milestone range), and then to export that selection to Microsoft Word, to tag it, etc.
One use case scenario is to export to Word my notes for preparing a class or homily.
8 votes

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  • HansHogan
    HansHogan Member Posts: 40 ✭✭✭
    I agree, this is urgently needed! If I want to see all my notes on - let's say - 1 Corinthians 4, there is no easy way to do that! I can only filter 1 Corinthians and have to scroll all the way through the list! That is not helpful...
  • HansHogan
    HansHogan Member Posts: 40 ✭✭✭
    And the regular search should also cover the anchors. It's weird if I search for "1. Corinthians 4" and it returns all the notes that CONTAIN that phrase but not the notes that are anchored to 1Cor 4.