Printing my Notes with Images
Please fix this. If I have an image that I have created / inserted in the Notes, When I print the note, It does not show up.
Collapsing the Add Tag Box in Notes
When you have many tags in a note it takes up too much space and leaves a smaller area in the note for viewing or editing. I would like to have the ability to collapse the Tag Box when not needed.
Place Holder in Logos Notes
When I close a note and re open, the curser goes to the beginning of the note. My notes are quite long and i would like the curser to stay where I close the note or when I close logos and reopen and go to a note, i want it to be where I last stopped.
Atlas Ruler
Could we add a ruler that we can move around in the Atlas to measure distance?
Reading View: Reading Progress in Books
I'd like to keep track of how much of a book I've read, similar to the way Kindle does. Kindle can show a percentage of the book I've read, Page X of Y, X minutes left in chapter, or X hours and Y minutes left in Book. This wouldn't be useful for books that are primarily used for reference, but it would be nice for books…
Dark Mode in Web App
I exclusively use the web app since I run Linux, and I'm disappointed that dark mode is not an option there. The web app also doesn't play nice with Dark Reader extention for Chrome (which wouldn't be an issue if the web app had its own dark mode). I would appreciate adding Dark Mode to the web app.
Remember the Hide Status for Dynamic Toolbar
The Dynamic Toolbar has a "Hide Secondary Toolbar" feature, but when enabled it is not remembered in saved layouts or resources. As a result, users have to continually select "Hide the Secondary Toolbar" over and over.
Merged: Remember if secondary toolbar is collapsed
This discussion has been merged .
Enable Search to assign permanent Highlights immediately
I'm quite fond of the new Smart Bible Search. But I'd like to propose an additional function for it. For example, the command: "highlight all words based on g:paradidomi" yields very good results for me. When I click on one of the the scriptural references given by search, my Standard Bible is opened with the whole verse…
Please give us the ability to preform spellchecks in different languages or at least upload our own word lists. I prepare my sermon in Afrikaans and the red underling of words (which I was able to turn off in the past, but not since the last update) is very distracting.
Dark Mode Hover Popup Border Color Improvement
When in dark mode, the border around pop-ups on hover for things like verse links, etc. is very difficult to differentiate from the surrounding background as it appears to be using the same shadow that is used for light mode. At times, the popup sort of blends in. It would be great to get a lighter color border around…
Folders for Notebooks
Please add the ability to "nest" notebooks into one another, or organise them into folders. It would make managing a large number of notebooks easier.
Verse numbering
Can the verse numbers in text be in much larger, prominent font as, at present, I find it very difficult to see where the verse numbers are.
Personal Books - invalid font error correction
I found your nice writeup on PB warnings and errors, and the multi-step process for correcting invalid fonts. However, I repeatedly get the response: "Word found no items matching this criteria." Is the invalid a critical error? I think I have followed the entire Personal Book build properly, but the book does not open as…
Add to "Settings" the option for a larger pop-up window for the morphology "hover bar" information
The morphology "hover bar" information displays as a single "ticker tape" line at the bottom of the screen has very small text. Please provide an option in "settings" that allows users to turn on-off a pop-up pane that shows the same information in a much larger pane
Retain window settings instead of per-Bible preferences when changing Bibles
I would prefer that view settings were retained by the window rather than by individual book. When I am reading a Bible, and change to a different Bible using the arrow keys, it would be preferable if the next Bible is shown with the same settings (excepting impossibilities like missing interlinear, etc.), so that the…
give the older users BACK what they purchased and quit trying to resell to them
give the older users BACK what they purchased and quit trying to resell to them what they already paid for. By the amount of issues you have on this message board. your selling headaches and confusion. Your help pages, you are selling again what older uses paid a fair price for initially. By your intentional creations…
Search Tool Auto Name Tab
When we run a search can the search criteria be the name of the tab please. In this example, the name of the tab wouldn't be 'Search'. It would be 'Jesus'. We have the Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass icon to tell us it is a search tab. We don't need the word 'Search' too. When we have multiple searches on the go or it…
Heresies Explorer and dataset
Heresies Explorer with overview which council condemns which teaching, which scripture passages allegedly support the heresy, which scripture passages debunk the heresy, links to council documents, list of groups, cults and denominations which historically have, or currently are holding to the heresy. Integration with…
Enable search from Concordance
Please put a right click menu on headings (main words) in the concordance tool that will allow us to launch a search for that word or words (or allow this in some other way). This will allow us to create graphs, do analysis, save as a passage list, etc. directly from the Concordance rather than needing to open a search…
Logos.com Wish list suggestions
It would be nice to be able to do the following with your wish list on Logos.com: to be able to add pre-pubs to our wish list. I often see a prepub book that looks interesting, or one that I had seen before on Amazon but it wasn't previously available in Logos. I usually don't want to pre-order it at the moment, but I…
Bible Study Interactive Reader
I am using the Bible Study Builder to create worksheets/homework/etc. but I am just learning that only Logos uses with the subscription feature can access those shared documents. My suggestion is that there should be a way to have those with the subscription use the Bible Study Builder (the way it is now), AND have an…
Feature Request: iOS Widget/Quick Actions
The alternating Bible images is cute but note useful at all. It’d be really nice to start a search from quick actions in a widget or to open directly to a reading plan or prayers. here are some possible shortcuts: Bible search Open Bible to verse of the day prayers Exegetic Guide Topic Guide Bible Word study most recent…
Make Copy Great Again
In Logos.com bible software it has a "copy bible verse" feature and window but once I put in the bible verse it makes me click on the "copy" button. This is an unnecessary step! Is there a setting that would just automatically assume that the verse I type in is copied to the clipboard without me having to click on "copy"?…
Need (want) “Mark as Read” function on list of recent posts
I am thrilled that the view of posts has returned to a very clean table-like look. Cannot overstate how much better this is. At the risk of sounding greedy, it would be great to have an icon/checkbox next to the row which would mark the entry as “read” without having to actually open the post.
Auto Collapse Table Of Contents
Would be nice to have a 'follow' toggle button at the top of the table of contents, or right click the 'Contents' button for options. It would auto collapse all books that you aren't currently in, and snap the current book at the top, with the current passage highlighted. For example, if I am at Romans 1 it would auto snap…
Compact Passage List User Notes
When we have entire paragraphs in our passage lists, the text takes up too much space when we have large lists. But when we have it in 'Compact' mode there isn't any supplementary note reminding us which passage is which. There's lots of empty space there. Would be nice to have a column we could put a user note beside each…
Flip pages with volume buttons
One of the key functions for any reader is the ability to easily flip pages. On the mobile devices this is done through assigning the function to volume buttons. This is what's the biggest inconvenience for me in using your app. Hope this will be fixed soon. The same feature is missing in Logos App. Can you please add it…
(God's) Commandments classification chart
One annoyance I have with Logos is its tendency to choose a single option that stresses one particular aspect and present it without mention of the alternative. For example, I would like to see multiple ways of classifying the commandments/laws. Some of the options (from Perplexity): Jewish Classifications Traditional…
Promises classification chart
One annoyance I have with Logos is its tendency to choose a single option that stresses one particular aspect and present it without mention of the alternative. For example, I would like to see multiple ways of classifying the promises. Some of the options (from Perplexity): Jewish Classifications Rabbinic Classification…
Prophecy classification chart
One annoyance I have with Logos is its tendency to choose a single option that stresses one particular aspect and present it without mention of the alternative. For example, I would like to see multiple ways of classifying the prophecies. Some of the options (from Perplexity): Jewish Classifications Talmudic Classification…
Proverbs classification chart
One annoyance I have with Logos is its tendency to choose a single option that stresses one particular aspect and present it without mention of the alternative. For example, I would like to see multiple ways of classifying the proverbs. Some of the options (from Perplexity): Thematic Classification Scholars often…
Parable classification chart
One annoyance I have with Logos is its tendency to choose a single option that stresses one particular aspect and present it without mention of the alternative. For example, I would like to see multiple ways of classifying the parables. Some of the options (from Perplexity): Jülicher's Classification Adolf Jülicher, a…
Psalm classification chart
One annoyance I have with Logos is its tendency to choose a single option that stresses one particular aspect and present it without mention of the alternative. For example, I would like to see multiple ways of classifying the psalms. Some of the options (from Perplexity): Alternative Psalm Classifications Hermann…
'Close this note' Keyboard Shortcut
Currently, have to click the kebab '...' in the top right corner of the note editor and select 'Close this note'. Also, CTRL + F4 keyboard shortcut closes the entire Notes tool instead of just the open note editor. 'Close this note' ought to have a keyboard shortcut.
Panel Linking: Add "Follow Only" Option for Link Set
It would be great to be able to use link sets in the desktop app without having other resources changing the Bible verse while scrolling. It is especially problematic with multiple commentaries since it causes a ripple effect. The new Logos 10 Mobile App has this feature and would love to also have it on the desktop app…
Draw on screen for android?
Will this feature be added at some point? I use all samsung devices and really would like to be able to write on my screen on my galaxy tab!
Psalms explorer tweak
Whispersync between audio books and digital books
Amazon allows you to purchase ebooks with the audiobook and sync them together. LOGOS needs this function.
Add counts to lemmas in Important words
I wish this section included a reminder of the role of commentaries in this section. However, I'm asking for something very simple - show the count of entries beside the lemma as is done in many sections.
faster way to add anchors
I have starting connecting passages in ways I didn't do in the past. The fastest way is to add anchors. The process is tedious though. Could we maybe add all the verses and save them all at once rather than one at a time? I would really appreciate that/ thank you
'Clear All' Keyboard Shortcut
'Clear All' layouts/tabs button in the lower left of the interface needs a keyboard shortcut.
Filter notes by color, icon, etc.
I would love to be able to filter my notes by the color used in the highlight or icon color. I'd also like to be able to filter my notes by the icon I use. For example, I would like to be able to pull up all my notes that use the lightbulb icon or all my notes that use the question mark icon.
Support Saving Resources to External Drives
It would be helpful for Logos to support saving resources to an external drive. Space is a premium especially in laptops, and it would be useful to save most of my library to an external SSD so I'm not constantly searching through my resources in the cloud.
Mobile ‘text box’ (?) hierarchy selection
Forgive me in advance for mangling the terminology. When you select a word by holding your finger on it in mobile a text box opens similar to right click on a mouse in desktop. It used to display word info exclusively. In recent updates it is now a surprise as to what tool function displays. Sometimes it goes to…
Replace flashcard app with interface to Anki
Please add a function to Word List to export into Anki format. That will allow a simple interface to a free and popular flash card study program.
reformatting text suggestion
"User books," "Personal books," "notes" and more, an in-app word processor/ book creation tool.
Rather than merely an "import personal books" feature, it would be awesome to have something very like Wordsearch's "User Books" feature. I'm excited for the day when they can migrate our User books over, but also very excited because a feature like that would have the potential to do so very much more than "personal…
Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts for Favorites
Allow us to customize keyboard shortcuts for our favorite tools, guides, links, and layouts.
Allow adding notes and highlights in footnotes
Please allow us to take notes and highlight in footnote text. Footnotes are some of the most important text in resources, and we should be able to do everything to footnote text that we can do to body text.