The Spiritual Writings of Denis the Carthusian

SineNomine Member Posts: 434 ✭✭✭✭✭
"Renowned in his day as a mystic and theologian, Denis was born in 1402 in the Belgian province of Limburg which formerly comprised in the county of Hesbaye; died 12 March, 1471. His birthplace was Ryckel, a small village a few miles from Saint-Trond, whence ancient writers have often surnamed him Ryckel or à Ryckel. Sometimes called 'the last scholastic', he penned over 150 works. This is the first complete English translation of his most significant spiritual writings: 'Contemplation', 'Prayer', 'Meditation', 'Fountain of Light and the Paths of Life'. amd 'Monastic Profession'. He was also known as the 'last of the Schoolmen', devoted to prayer, avid reader whose favorite author was Pseudo-Dionysius. Author of commentaries, sermons, and theological and philosophical treatises. He died on the 12 March 1471."

Trans. Ide Ni Riain
Four Courts Press
May 30, 2005
ISBN-13: 978-1851828609
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