Generate Word List based on occurance.

Mal Walker
Mal Walker Member Posts: 403 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Please add the ability to generate word lists based on the number of times words occur within the bible. For example:
- Generate a list of all Greek words that occur 30 or more times within the Bible.
- Generate a list of all Greek words within reference range (e.g. Ephesians) that occur less than 30 times within the Bible.

Why should we care about this? Because word list documents 'are helpful tools to accompany your study of the original biblical languages.' However, practically every biblical language grammar that has been published in the last few decades presents their vocab for memorization based on frequency of occurrence in the bible, not by occurrence within a particular book. And it is normal for seminaries etc to teach students all words that occur more then X number of times during the first year.

Thus, when students or pastors want to start generating their own word lists for memorization, they typically already have memorized all the words that occur more then 50 times, or 30 times etc within the bible. What we need is the ability to easily exclude those words from our target reference range - which is either the whole bible or a specific book.

This has been requested on the forum since 2014

Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia

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