Sentence Diagramming Tool Bugs

Tanner Wiens
Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
I've noticed two bugs while using the sentence diagramming tool.
1) When diagramming Hebrew, using the right-to-left "partial modifier with object" piece, when I try to adjust the object line, it disconnects from the bottom line and goes way off to the left.
2) When I try to diagram a couple verses in the same document, the tool slows down and becomes laggy. It takes a second for the page to respond to any action I do (i.e. move the mouse, drag a word, insert a line, etc). The second attached picture is the latest sentence diagram that has lagged on me.
Are there fixes in the works for these bugs? I love the sentence diagramming tool, but these bugs make it challenging to use to its full potential!
My setup: Logos 9.11 SR-1. MacBook Air M1 8GB ram, Monterey 12.2.
1) When diagramming Hebrew, using the right-to-left "partial modifier with object" piece, when I try to adjust the object line, it disconnects from the bottom line and goes way off to the left.
2) When I try to diagram a couple verses in the same document, the tool slows down and becomes laggy. It takes a second for the page to respond to any action I do (i.e. move the mouse, drag a word, insert a line, etc). The second attached picture is the latest sentence diagram that has lagged on me.
Are there fixes in the works for these bugs? I love the sentence diagramming tool, but these bugs make it challenging to use to its full potential!
My setup: Logos 9.11 SR-1. MacBook Air M1 8GB ram, Monterey 12.2.