
Shara Heiniger (Logos)
Shara Heiniger (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 132
edited November 2024 in Proclaim Feedback
I would love if proclaim had something like Playlister to be able to make simple presentations in proclaim and then present them on a smart TV would be a great solution for children's ministry
5 votes

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  • Mike
    Mike Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
    I'll let Jim speak for me on this one!
  • ONE Production
    ONE Production Member Posts: 14 ✭✭
    Add functionality to the sign feed so that it works like Playlister. This would be great for kids min to run sign feeds as presentation playlists from an Apple TV, Fire TV, Roku or Google/Android TV. Presentation playlists would sync over the internet to the TV device and allow you to control the presentation from the devices remote and eliminate the need for a computer in each classroom. I believe the infrastructure is there already in "sign feed" function. just needs a little work on the backend and you would have an all new way to present. I'm sure a lot of ministries would even be willing to pay a little more each year for this as an add on service. I know ours would.
  • ONE Production
    ONE Production Member Posts: 14 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    Add functionality to the sign feed so that it works like Playlister. This would be great for kids min to run sign feeds as presentation playlists from an Apple TV, Fire TV, Roku or Google/Android TV. Presentation playlists would sync over the internet to the TV device and allow you to control the presentation from the devices remote and eliminate the need for a computer in each classroom. I believe the infrastructure is there already in "sign feed" function. just needs a little work on the backend and you would have an all new way to present. I'm sure a lot of ministries would even be willing to pay a little more each year for this as an add on service. I know ours would.
  • Our ministry would love this!!!! 
  • Chad Hafner
    Chad Hafner Member Posts: 3
    This would be a game changer for our kids min, classes, meetings and so many other uses I can think of!
  • David Cosand (Logos)
    David Cosand (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 79
    @ONE Production  I'd love to chat more with you about this, any chance you'd be willing grab some time on my calendar for a 30 min call?