Videos from service to digital sign

Levi Stuckey
Levi Stuckey Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
Hey there, I'm Levi. So proclaim is awesome. The digital signage is a huge draw for our church and the fact that the service can take it over when we go "on air." However, I would over see more features added to the digital sign feed. It would be amazing if we could send video (such as countdowns) and or live stream video from the service through the sign feed. This would simplify the need to hardwire tvs in our lobby and throughout our building as well as not require us to switch inputs from the digital sign feed to the hdmi input for proclaim presentations. Give me call if you want me to explain the use case and desire a bit more. Thanks! 419-262-0086.
2 votes

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  • yes yes yes.  we are In the same boat.
    they could at least add a "live stream feed" to the digital signage.
    It wouldnt have to be integrated, but allow a feed to be added to the signage.

    Could have the sign and the live video and slides all on 1 tv...amazing