Shortcuts for Sentence Diagram Tool

Cameron Sharrock
Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
Among other improvements to the line diagramming tool:
- Keyboard Shortcuts to lengthen, shorten, heighten, shrink line chunks (i.e. cmd + opt + left arrow with line selected might shorten it in half)
- Drag and drop copy (hold opt while dragging a structure to create a copy of the highlighted items)
- Add additional pages without having to drag data to edges. The workspace always feels tight and I have to drag text objects to edges to give myself room to work. Should begin with a larger whiteboard.
- 1-click text edit (i.e. click predicate while holding Command and it will automatically empty the text box and open text tool.. i.e. give you a flashing cursor to start typing).
- Grouping and ungrouping (Cmd + G/cmd + shift + G)
- Shortcut to only move 1 object in a joined diagram (i.e. hold cmd + click and drag the stilts to only move the stilts and not the other parts of the diagram).
- Functionality on iPad app
- Save custom preset shapes in left column. (i.e. I would save a Subject, verb, subject compliment structure).
- Auto-snap text (i.e. hold ctrl + shift + left arrow while having a "waw," for example, selected to snap it to the next word on the left).
- Font style presets (i.e. heading/title/body/italicized comment would be great for making additional annotations.
- Optimize performance. It's so slow!
- Shortcut to center text element on line. less time dragging stuff around.
- Line tool won't switch back to selection tool. I have a lot of issues with which tool is selected at any given time. There might be bugs, or it might be user error, or it could just be more clear!
- Keyboard Shortcuts to lengthen, shorten, heighten, shrink line chunks (i.e. cmd + opt + left arrow with line selected might shorten it in half)
- Drag and drop copy (hold opt while dragging a structure to create a copy of the highlighted items)
- Add additional pages without having to drag data to edges. The workspace always feels tight and I have to drag text objects to edges to give myself room to work. Should begin with a larger whiteboard.
- 1-click text edit (i.e. click predicate while holding Command and it will automatically empty the text box and open text tool.. i.e. give you a flashing cursor to start typing).
- Grouping and ungrouping (Cmd + G/cmd + shift + G)
- Shortcut to only move 1 object in a joined diagram (i.e. hold cmd + click and drag the stilts to only move the stilts and not the other parts of the diagram).
- Functionality on iPad app
- Save custom preset shapes in left column. (i.e. I would save a Subject, verb, subject compliment structure).
- Auto-snap text (i.e. hold ctrl + shift + left arrow while having a "waw," for example, selected to snap it to the next word on the left).
- Font style presets (i.e. heading/title/body/italicized comment would be great for making additional annotations.
- Optimize performance. It's so slow!
- Shortcut to center text element on line. less time dragging stuff around.
- Line tool won't switch back to selection tool. I have a lot of issues with which tool is selected at any given time. There might be bugs, or it might be user error, or it could just be more clear!