Greater Transparency in Pre-Pub Production Times

John Percival
John Percival Member Posts: 59 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Some of my pre-pubs have been "in production" for nearly a year. I can understand that it takes a lot of work to process complex technical texts, but this delay is seriously undermining my confidence in buying into the Logos pre-pub programme rather than purchasing good old-fashioned paper books that will be at my door within a few days. I am happy to delay my purchases by even a few months sometimes in order to gain the benefit of a Logos edition when the pre-pub is showing up as “in production”. However, for me to still be waiting nearly a year later is making me question my decision. I think there needs to be better communication with customers about these resources and in particular better management of expectations around the timeframe. It ought to be relatively straightforward for a mature company that has been doing this work for many years now to predict how long these projects will take.
6 votes

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  • I am sorry that I can not remember which pre-pub, but there was a pre-pub that is still in pre-pub after several years (4 yrs?). Someone did ask about it in the comment feed and that is where I found out. Sorry, I can't remember anything to make my comment more useful. :P

    With that said, maybe an update as to the status of a pre-pub, that says approximately, how many years/months out that pre-pub is before its done.

    Lastly, if some pre-pubs just never get off the ground, I think that people need to be told that it isn't getting off the ground, after 4 months so they can make other plans.