Stope the Mandatory Upgrade

David Works
David Works Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
Especially automatic upgrades that happen while we are about to start teaching/preaching that introduce surprise bugs that shut down teaching/preaching. NOT a good QC process for production environments.
4 votes

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  • Jon Hole
    Jon Hole Member Posts: 27 ✭✭
    Yes yes yes! We have a remote clicker, and for Youth Events we have no one at the computer. I would say 25% of the time, the clicker stops working - and when we go up to the computer it's because there's an Admin login prompt because Proclaim is trying to update itself. This "feature" makes the system unstable enough that if we need guaranteed performance, we have to close Proclaim and use alternative software, such as PowerPoint.

    I requested this on the forums back in March 2021... I thought I had requested it here too, but I can't find that:
  • Jon Hole
    Jon Hole Member Posts: 27 ✭✭
    This is a duplicate: