Puritan Paperbacks Public Domain Series (54 Volumes)

David Jonescue
David Jonescue Member Posts: 87 ✭✭
I have been toying with this idea, even for a personal book to upload, but, it is better suited to be done by a team since it involves around 54 volumes. Basically, it is based on the "Puritan Paperback" Series by Reformation Heritage Books, which are 99% public domain titles that have been abridged and edited. But, the original sources are all in the public domain. While at present I think there are 57 volumes in the series, 54 of them are public domain. There are two ways you could do this, you could hunt down all 54 titles (which can be found at bit.ly/puritanpaperbacksdigital ) are you can ask permission from monergism.com to use their formatted text of 47 out of 54 of the volumes. I have hunted down "Farewell Sermons" at https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=eebo2;idno=A34165.0001.001
and "The Way to True Peace and Rest - Bruce" with this link containing the sermons on Hezekiah's Sickness, that constitutes the PP-RHB edition. That link is https://archive.org/details/sermons00bruc/page/n23/mode/2up

With the awesome team you guys have, you could get this thing up and going in no time, and, if you choose to hunt down the full resources yourselves, it would be 100% profit since there are no publishers to pay. There are many of us that would love this entire series, even/especially in its original and unabridged form. If you keep it as a series, I could see it selling from $75-$200 like crazy, no problem, especially since the print edition is over $400 and almost always sold out. The simple bible tagging alone would bring these classics to life, and that is a feature you cant get in Kindle or print books. Please consider this. There are many people on here who enjoy the Puritans, but dont want 50 volumes from the same person. This series is suppose to constitute some of the best works from a wide array of authors, and the best part, there are no copyright restrictions on 99% of the volumes (in original form.) Thank for your time, God Bless.
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