Stone-Campbell resources

Daniel Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Book Requests
I want to recommend that LOGOS include, as part of their offered resources the following…

The works of Dr. Jack Cottrell.

Alexander Campbell’s
- The Christian Baptist
- The Millennial Harbinger
- Memoirs of Alexander Campbell (Richardson)

Barton W. Stone’s
- The Christian Messenger

Walter Scott’s
- The Evangelist

Moses Lard
- Lard’s Quarterly

These are some of the major works that are a part of the Restoration Movement history and I am sure upon digging one can find other works.
It seems to be a good idea to make these accessible for Logos users when seemingly all other major denominations are represented in logos.

If there was anyone who may hold some kind of copy write to these it would be College Press or some other Christian Church publisher. (I think)


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