An Inner Step Toward God: Writings and Teachings on Prayer by Father Alexander Men

Rosie Perera
Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
Father Alexander Men
Paraclete Press, 2014

A friend of mine from seminary, April French, edited this book. She writes (today on Facebook):

"89 years ago this week, Father Alexander Men (1935-1990) was born. I'm grateful for the Protestants in Siberia who introduced me to his work 20 years ago. Reading the books of this Russian Orthodox priest sent me down the road of learning all I could about him and then doing my small part to introduce folks in the English-speaking world to his life and work. It also led to my graduate study in the history of Christianity and in Russian history, which helped me to grow intellectually and to build meaningful community with many wonderful people. I owe so much to this person, who was committed to openness, love, and service."
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