Passion Translation

J Peter Wilson
J Peter Wilson Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Book Requests
The Passion Translation (TPT) appears in WORDsearch, Kindle and in printed form as NT with Psalms, Proverbs & Song of Songs. The LOGOS 8 computer version doesn't have the Psalms, Proverbs & Song of Songs. Will this be rectified soon?
4 votes

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  • J Peter Wilson
    J Peter Wilson Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    I read that the complete OT & NT Passion Translation won't be ready until at least 2027 on the Passion Translation website. However, I already have the NT with Psalms, Proverbs & Song of Songs ALL published together in both print book format and ebook format. Also in WORDseach, they were published as one.
    Currently, in LOGOS the NT is in Logos Research format BUT the Psalms, Proverbs & Song of Songs are in ebook format.
    Please can you consider adding the Psalms, Proverbs and Song of Songs into Logos Research form as soon as possible and that hopefully, we don't have to wait until 2027, which is when I will be 82!
    Blessings Peter
  • Member Posts: 226 ✭✭✭
    The OT books are available as Ebooks right now.
  • J Peter Wilson
    J Peter Wilson Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    @bradley-grainger Hi Bradley. I already have these 3 books in ebook format with the Bibles on my Logos 9, but it will be so much easier to click between different versions of the Ps or Pro or S of S when they have been changed to Logos Research format. I was able to do this in WORDsearch, so I am hoping that Faithlife will get round to making this change soon, as I now see that this future format change is now listed as 'In Progress. Thanks for the information. Blessings Peter.
  • I wouldn't even call that a translation.   
  • J Peter Wilson
    J Peter Wilson Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    @James Johnson; Hello James. I find, as someone who used to work in both UK mainstream and Christian radio that not everyone is au fait with the language used in the majority of Christian Bibles. Therefore I use paraphrases like The Message (MSG) and The Passion Translation which are excellent tools. The Bibles that I use are the NIV (UK English), B4E (Bible for Everyone), CEV, KLV, MSG, TLB and TPT.
  • Benjamin Allen
    Benjamin Allen Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
    @James Johnson  Agreed its crazy how little likes this has and it is already in progress
  • Joseph Luna
    Joseph Luna Member Posts: 375 ✭✭
    Yes, this is necessary because it aids bible reading and many times, explains the text accurately. 
  • J Peter Wilson
    J Peter Wilson Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    When I came over to LOGOS from WORDsearch I already had a full Passion Translation (TPT) with Psalms , Proverbs & Song of Songs. So, in LOGOS what I got was TPT in Logos Research format and the Ps, Pr & S of S separately in eBook format.

    This week (2023-04-16) I found that TPT had updated automatically and made Ps, Pr & S of S available in Logos Research format when I opened my software. 

    There was no hassle at all, and I can now easily move from these three OT books in TPT to any other versions of the Bibles that I regularly use.

    Thank you again to all at Logos from a happy East Riding of Yorkshire LOGOS user living in Bridlington,


  • J Peter Wilson
    J Peter Wilson Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    I notice on the Amazon website that there are Kindle & Paperback editions of the TPT Old Testament books of Isaiah, Ezekiel & Daniel, and Joshua, Judges & Ruth available.
    I have two questions:
    1. Are these yet available in Logos Software? 
    2. And if so, in what format are they available - Logos Research and/or Faithlife eBook?   