The Charles Stanley Life Principles Bible (Revised & Expanded 2nd Edition, 2020)

Jeremy Arnold
Jeremy Arnold Member Posts: 17 ✭✭
Note: The revised and expanded version of the Life Principles Bible has MUCH more study notes and Bible helps than the old 2006 edition, which is the only version currently available in Logos.

Amazon Link:

Publisher: ‎ Thomas Nelson; Second edition (December 1, 2020)
Language: ‎ English
Imitation Leather: ‎ 2080 pages
ISBN-10: ‎ 0785225676
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0785225676
5 votes

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  • Jeremy Arnold
    Jeremy Arnold Member Posts: 17 ✭✭
    Please Note:  In 2020, the Second Edition of Charles Stanley's Life Principles Bible (1995 NASB) was released with significantly revised and expanded notes, as well as over 100 charts and maps AND cross-references.  Logos needs to add this superior version to the Logos store ASAP! 
  • Nathan Parker
    Nathan Parker Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    I have the current version in Logos but the revised edition in print (I gave away my first edition in print to my brother). The revised addition is a solid upgrade from the original and a Bible I use almost daily.

    Dr. Nathan Parker

  • Jeremy Arnold
    Jeremy Arnold Member Posts: 17 ✭✭


    Thanks for chiming in, Nathan.

    The greatly expanded NASB version of Dr. Stanley's Life Principles Bible is the Bible I've been taking to church with me every week since its release in 2009. It is a total shame that Logos decided to go with the 2006 NKJV version, which barely has any commentary. The 2009 edition added something like 80% more comments, and the 2020 update added cross references and more than 100 helpful tables, charts, and/or maps. Sadly, Logos seems to move at a snail's pace when responding to these "book requests," so we may never see the vastly superior expanded Life Principles Bible notes/study helps added to this software. Ditto for the significantly expanded and revised Evidence Bible (Ray Comfort/Living Waters). I wish there were some way we could help speed up this process!