Citation shortcut

Benjamin Smith
Benjamin Smith Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Add a shortcut key that will create a footnote citation in the selected default format for a resource. Currently, the way most people create a footnote when not quoting a resource is to copy/paste a section of text and then delete the text while leaving the automatic citation. A simple way to just create the citation would be a time-saver and seems rather simple to add.
2 votes

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  • This would help me a lot. I use Logos extensively in preparing for college classes as well as academic writing. In both of these, footnotes are either helpful or required. Copying the footnote with a quote is a nice feature but often I just need the footnote itself. Since the generating of the footnote is already built in to Logos, adding a button to the right-click menu to just grab the footnote for the current location should be easy enough and it would be a big time save for those of use who use Logos for academic reasons.