The Beauty and Glory of Christ's Bride by Joel R. Beeke

Maxim Farocanag
Maxim Farocanag Member Posts: 393 ✭✭✭✭
This collection of a dozen addresses given on the church as Christ’s bride at the 2014 annual conference of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary unpacks three overarching themes: looking at the loveliness of Christ’s bride, walking in the path with Christ’s bride, and sharing in the sorrow and hope of Christ’s bride. Specific topics addressed include the beauty of the church’s essence, communion, holiness, unity, diversity, membership, preaching, worship, sacraments, discipline, mission, persecution, and future glory. Together these chapters form an appreciative and practical book on the doctrine of the church, stirring up believers to have greater devotion to Christ’s bride. Two chapters are written by each author, including Michael Barrett, Joel R. Beeke, Gerald Bilkes, Conrad Mbewe, David Murray, and William VanDoodewaard.
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