Old Men of the Bible: Reflections on Faith & Aging

Rosie Perera
Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
Terry Lindvall & Craig Wansink, with cartoons by John Lawing
Smyth & Helwys, 2019

“Grace in the beginning. Grace at the end. And Grace all the way through.”Grace, indeed, is the theme as the authors of Old Men of the Bible wade through the sketchy stories of the great patriarchs, from Adam to the Apostle Paul.

These biblical characters failed in many ways, yet what sustained and anchored them was the grace and providence of God working in and through them—not as a result of their works, but as it pleased God. It is a wonderful realization that all along, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ keeps us and does not fail.

"Any book written by a highly educated trio of academic profs might be easily passed over on the pretty safe assumption that such a tome would be a stodgy read at best. In the case of Old Men of the Bible, that would be an unfortunate mistake. Skip this fine book by Lindvall, Wansink, and Lawing and you miss out on an insightful and surprisingly humorous book on a difficult topic. Cormac McCarthy said this dangerous modern era is "no country for old men." Actually old age is no country for old men. The three bright chaps who wrote this excellent book have taken an unusual approach to the topic and the result is enjoyable and well worth reading. Unless of course you are not a male, do not know a male, and hope not to ever age beyond where you are right now." —Mark Rutland, New York Times best-selling author of David the Great

"This is an outrageously good read. Interesting, engaging, and insightful. And so creative. You will never read the Bible the same way again. And if you never have read the Bible, this book might persuade you to dig in. Both God and the authors of this book have real senses of humor. I would like to see them in a storytelling contest." —Quentin Schultze, Calvin University
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