A Beginning-Intermediate Grammar of Hellenistic Greek (3rd ed.)

by Robert W. Funk
(Polebridge Press)
"Students who use this Grammar will learn how to read Greek in one year, rather than having to depend on ponies or interlinear editions of the Greek New Testament."
4 votes

In progress · Last Updated


  • randy skinner
    randy skinner Member Posts: 5
    Greek Grammar
  • Rick Mansfield (Logos)
    Rick Mansfield (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 216
    @Jun-Sung Park  @randy skinner  I've merged the requests both of you made since they are for the same book. We've never partnered with this particular publisher before, but I've reached out to them to see if they would be willing to license to us.

    Senior Publisher Relations Specialist
    Logos Bible Software