Word count column in Sermon Manager

Adam Claxton
Adam Claxton Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
It would be helpful to have the word count for each sermon available in the Sermon Manager. This would let users get an idea about average length, etc. at a glance. I'd like to use it to compare my current sermon to past sermons to guess how long it's going to go (estimated time is way off for me due to the way I prepare vs. deliver).
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  • Josiah Young
    Josiah Young Member Posts: 150 ✭✭✭
    I just tried to do this today and was surprised I word count wasn't listed. Having word count in the Sermon Manager would be super helpful, especially as a column and also in the information panel.

    If there was a way to log actual delivery time as well, to refine the calculation over time, that would be even better.