Search within Search Results

David Christensen
David Christensen Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
I would like to have a SEARCH WITHIN () operand. I propose that the operand would allow one to search within the results of the search contained in the parentheses immediately following the operand.

SEARCH WITHIN (Lemma: ἵνα BEFORE Lemma: πιστεύω) Lemma: ἵνα WITHIN 4 WORDS Lemma: πιστεύω

This would search for ἵνα WITHIN 4 WORDS of πιστεύω *inside the search results* of ἵνα BEFORE πιστεύω.

An alternative way to allow this functionality would be to allow the AND operator to combine other search functions: E.g., Lemma: ἵνα BEFORE *AND* WITHIN 4 WORDS Lemma: πιστεύω.
3 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Pastor Loren
    Pastor Loren Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    @David Christensen  - I'm not sure exactly what results you're expecting from this search, but I wonder if lemma:ἵνα BEFORE 0-4 WORDS lemma:πιστεύω would achieve what you're looking for.
  • David Christensen
    David Christensen Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    @Mark Barnes (Faithlife)  Thank you for your response Mark! I didn't know those two operands could be combined. Perhaps the short-term answer to my request is that I just need to learn better what I already have! (rebuke taken). However, I do think the suggestion of being able to search within search results has merit, even if that is implemented in some other fashion.
  • @David Christensen  - no rebuke intended. There's a lot to Logos, and we don't expect anyone to know everything! But certainly, we'll take your suggestion as a vote for "search within results".