"Sticky" passage lists in layouts

Bill Coley
Bill Coley Member Posts: 2
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
I'm amazed that in an application as sophisticated as Logos, the status of a passage list in a layout when that layout is updated/saved isn't preserved for the next time the layout is opened as to either the passage from the list currently in use or the list's "Full" or "Compact" presentation format. The result of these limitations is that each time I open a layout that contains a passage list, I have to reset the list's presentation format to "Compact," which is my preference, and scroll from the top of the list down to the next text in the list. It would be SOOO much easier of the status of those two facets of a passage list were saved with the layout.

Hence, I request at least the option that upon updating/saving a layout that contains a passage list, both the current location in the list and its Full/Compact presentation status be resumed the next time that layout is opened.
2 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • I would also like to be able to not have the "Passage List" always default to "Full" Verse.
    I only use the "Compact View" ... If I want to see the Passage I can float over (or click) the link.
  • I agree completely with you, Rob. Thanks for specifying that improvement. Logos users ought to be able to choose the default status of the passage lists they employ, whether "full" or "compact."