Correct Hit Count in Compound Searches

David Christensen
David Christensen Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
When using the AND search operator, the hit count of the search should only increment once if both criteria are satisfied. An example to make the point is the following Bible search of my NA28 (I realize this is a silly search, but it is a good example of what I mean): lemma:κενοδοξία AND lemma:ἐριθεία AND lemma:ἀλλήλων. The only verse in which all these words occur is Phil 2:3, and yet, the hit count is 3. Since there is only one place where all criteria are satisfied, I propose that the hit count should reflect this by saying 1.
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  • David Christensen
    David Christensen Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    [Update] [Additional Example] Suppose I wanted to find all the ἵνα-clauses in John which contain the verb πιστευω. So I construct a search like the following (where I am looking for the count of πιστευω if and only if it occurs after ἵνα within four words of that conjunction):

    Lemma:πιστεύω AND (Lemma:ἵνα BEFORE Lemma:πιστεύω) AND (Lemma:ἵνα WITHIN 4 WORDS Lemma:πιστεύω)

    There are 15 such clauses in John, but Logos counts 78 hits. Whether or not I could construct a simpler search is beside the point. Because of this discrepancy in the way compound searches are tallied, all compound searches in Logos have an inflated hit count.
  • David Christensen
    David Christensen Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    Even when this search is constructed more tightly (Lemma: ἵνα BEFORE 0-4 WORDS Lemma: πιστεύω), Logos counts 30 hits when there are 15 uses of ἵνα occurring 0–4 words prior to πιστεύω.