Share or transfer sermon transcription credits when uploading online

Graham Mason
Graham Mason Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Right now sermon transcription credits can be shared (i.e. via the presentation team) when uploading sermons via Proclaim, which is great.

However, we now upload directly via the Faithlife website for a variety of reasons (Proclaim crashes, slide annotations aren't captured, we can capture the full YouTube video that includes the pastor, etc.).

Unfortunately we have found when uploading via this method that they can't be shared. This means that either we need to purchase on multiple accounts, or one person bears sole responsibility, which isn't great. We had then asked if the ones the pastor purchased could be transferred to my account, and unfortunately they can't.

The ability to share (or transfer) when using the website upload functionality would be really helpful and appreciated.

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