Vindiciae Veritatis "A Vindication of the Truth" by Nehemiah Coxe

hjsmithjr50 Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
A Vindication of the Truth is no ordinary book on Christian Doctrine. This carefully edited republication is a supreme example of the theological precision and application shared among the early confessors of the Baptist Confession of Faith. It touches on many issues in theology, from the importance of the two natures of Jesus Christ to how we ought to read the text of Holy Scripture. Originally written by Nehemiah Coxe and endorsed by leading confessional Baptist ministers, this book is an exemplary specimen of the practise of confessional Baptist associational life. Calling upon and supporting young Coxe to engage with the several “heresies and gross errors”, the churches publicly refuted and declared their orthodox Christology in the face of theological confusion brought about by Thomas Collier. This book informs us of the battles our fathers fought in the past and will prepare us for those we must fight in the future.
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