Display / Search Hymnal Number in Search

Tyler Rasmussen
Tyler Rasmussen Member Posts: 110 ✭✭✭
One of our services uses contemporary mostly songs found on CCLI. Our other service, like many churches, uses a hymnal.

But in Proclaim Song Item, when we search for "Bless Now, O God" - it doesn't show the hymn number in the search, which would be really, really helpful.

Moreover, if we search 838, it doesn't find "Bless Now, O God" even though that's in our database.

Plus on music.faithlife.com, there's no way to display hymn numbers (again, would be really, really helpful) nor are they visible when you click on any individual song.

Many congregations use hymnal music. It would be very helpful if any of the Proclaim tools were helpful for the person building the slides in these congregations.
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