Add Colorcoding to Sermon Manager

Rev. Lutjens
Rev. Lutjens Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Currently the Sermon Manger will indicate in the upper corner is a sermon is 'Delivered', 'planned' 'in Progress' or 'Upcoming'.

Nothing is available to indicate if a sermon is ready to preach, or still being worked on. I'd like to be able to add color coding to the rows in Sermon Manager to indicate where in the writing process I am - idea for this are as follows.

Is this just a placeholder for the liturgical calendar;
I've added some notes and ideas;
I have an outline and its partially written;
its all but done but I'd like to fine tune it;
its ready to preach and I don't have to touch it again.
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