Christ from Beginning to End: How the Full Story of Scripture Reveals the Full Glory of Christ - Ste

Dr David Scott
Dr David Scott Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
This book explores the unified biblical narrative, showing how the entire Bible centers on Christ. The book helps readers understand Scripture as a cohesive story, emphasizing that every part—from Genesis to Revelation—points to Jesus. By offering practical methods, such as reading Scripture in its immediate, continuing, and canonical contexts, they guide readers to see how each passage fits into the overall storyline. The book also traces key themes across the biblical narrative, such as covenant, redemption, and kingship, showing how they culminate in the person and work of Christ. It provides a Christ-centered hermeneutic, helping believers see Jesus not just in the New Testament but also throughout the Old Testament

*NB - You have this on audiobook, but not the electronic version. It is an excellent book.
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