Update Links with Revised Resources

Gareth Harker
Gareth Harker Member Posts: 15 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
I have noticed a common problem with hyperlinks in Logos when a referenced resource has an updated version since the time of publication. For example, Tate (WBC Vol. 20 - Psalms 51-100) makes frequent reference to material in Craigie's volume (Vol. 19 - Psalms 1-50), but the links in the Logos addition ONLY point to the original edition(which is still available for purchase). I own the REVISED edition of WBC Psalms 1-50, but the links will not open the relevant material in that edition. Thus, I am (erroneously) told "You Don't Own This Resource". The same hold's true for, say, Moo's recently released NICNT on Romans, as I'm sure there are many others.

Proposed solution 1: only sell/make available the latest editions (likely to be the least popular option)
Proposed solution 2: make sure links have a way of pointing to the latest edition available in the user's library. I realize a link can only point to one place, but I think there should be a way of making a simple logic rule that says IF you can't find the material in the latest edition THEN move to the newest available edition.

Either way, it is a frustrating problem to be told that I don't own a resource when in fact I do just because I own a different edition of the same resource. A major drawback to Logos' typically powerful index.
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