Prayer Lists: Make iOS functionality like Android functionality

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 630 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Prayers works differently in iOS and Android. In Android, Prayers opens in a new tab, so you can switch back and forth between tabs. In iOS, Prayers opens in a pop-up that slides up from the bottom. The drawback of this is that you can’t easily switch between Prayers and other tabs. For example, I was at a pastoral visit with another elder where I was recording prayer requests while going through a brief Bible passage at the same time. Every time there was another prayer request I had to open prayers, find the prayer list for that couple, open it, find the prayer where I was recording these prayer details, and open that. Then I had to close Prayers completely before being able to see the Bible.

I much prefer the Android behavior since it gives greater flexibility and allows you to switch more easily between prayers and other tasks.
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