Better Bible Text Only Optoin Needed

Jim Smith
Jim Smith Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
After using Bible Text Only, many cross-references were still visible. This required me to uncheck other options. Then recheck the options when I wanted to see them. This is not very convenient and does not provide an excellent user experience.

PLEASE Forward this to a supervisor. A new feature is needed.

Feature Request
One button or checkbox that when checked, only shows Bible text.
When the single button or checkbox is unchecked, the display of the cross-references goes back to the way it was.

This will be SO MUCH simpler and easy than having to check or uncheck multiple boxes to get the same results.
2 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Pastor Loren
    Pastor Loren Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    Hi @Karl Shifflett . In the Visual Filter menu, the sub-options below "Bible Text Only" are designed to override the "Bible Text Only" setting. Make sure you only check sub-options for things you want to see while "Bible Text Only" is checked. (In your case, that means UNchecking "Footnotes", for example.) Once you've done that, click on "Bible Text Only" to turn on/off everything you want with a single click.
  • Jim Smith
    Jim Smith Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    @Mark Barnes  Yes I know everything you stated.  But the feature is missing to make this SUPER EASY so users can toggle between only text and all references without having to check many boxes and then reset them.

    This requires a new feature.