Logical splits in reading plan

Mark Hale
Mark Hale Member Posts: 29 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
When creating a reading plan for a book (so not a Bible) this seems to be split based on the number of "pages" while the actual pages are not visible in Logos. It now means a day's reading stops in mid sentence. It would make much more sense to shift the split to the end of a sentence, or (preferably) the end of a paragraph. That would be a logical break for that day.
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  • Mark Hale
    Mark Hale Member Posts: 29 ✭✭
    Just one addition, I realise there is a special feature for books with type monograph, but why not make this available for other types where the index is pages, such as Handbooks. So either a choice to use the monograph functionality for a different type of book, or a more logical split.