Estimate speaking time for text selection in Sermon Editor

Josiah Young
Member Posts: 150 ✭✭✭
At the bottom of the Sermon Editor, it shows a speaking estimate for how long the entire sermon will take. If my sermon is too long, though, I have to figure out what to cut.
I would like to select a portion of my sermon and see an estimate for how many minutes that selection might take. That would help me decide if cutting it will help me reach my target length.
Ideally, I think the full-length estimate would always show, and then a second estimate would appear whenever a text is selected (or even just a button for 'calculate selection' or similar in the footer bar, so it calculates on demand).
Otherwise, my workaround right now is to cut the text, see what the difference in time is, and then paste it back and decide.
I would like to select a portion of my sermon and see an estimate for how many minutes that selection might take. That would help me decide if cutting it will help me reach my target length.
Ideally, I think the full-length estimate would always show, and then a second estimate would appear whenever a text is selected (or even just a button for 'calculate selection' or similar in the footer bar, so it calculates on demand).
Otherwise, my workaround right now is to cut the text, see what the difference in time is, and then paste it back and decide.