The Mother of the Infant King, Isaiah 7: 14

Caleb Fordham
Caleb Fordham Member Posts: 1
So in short, Christianity's critics have mocked us ever since Jerome concerning the virgin birth and Matthew's 1:23's interpretation of Isaiah 7:14. This book by Christopher Rico & Peter Gentry demonstrates through incredible research (The OT, textual criticism, medieval rabbis, and most incredibly--linguistics) that the Hebrew word 'alma from Isaiah 7:14 in fact actually meant--young virgin similar to the old English word "maiden." They demonstrate how this phenomena can even day been seen across multiple languages. Incredible book. I am hoping Logos can get it in their library so I can use it on my zoom calls with folks I'm discipling to show them that these claims, as usual, about Matthew's mis-use of Isaiah 7:14 are not credible.
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