Highlights in bible and other books and resources.

Nathan adams
Nathan adams Member Posts: 37 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
When I make highlights and notes in my bible they always show up in other books, example commentaries etc. I don’t want other books to show the highlights that are made in my bible. It sometimes highlights entire pages. Example, if I highlight Luke 2:5 and go to a commentary and it’s eight paragraphs long, it highlights the entire eight paragraphs. And it keeps me from being able to just highlight what I want in the commentaries etc alone. I don’t want what is highlighted in my bible to show up elsewhere. I want to be able to make separate notes and highlights. At least give us the option to add separate highlights/notes. As of right now all you can do is turn notes/highlights on or off. Please add the option to do it independently from the Bible and all other books. It makes studying and notes impossible unless you turn the highlights off. Thank you
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