Add crowd sourced options for adding books

David Wolcott
David Wolcott Member Posts: 92 ✭✭✭
1) Please add some kind of crowd-funding options where people can pay the salaries for people doing the conversion work for new books.

The idea would be that books that are approved for addition could then be crowdfunded to push them up the list, rather than simply getting to them whether the existing staff has time. The crowdfunding would pay for additional employees or contractors to work on those specific books.

2) Alternatively, add the ability for vetted volunteers to take new books and add the Logos markup to them. This could be "paid" out by giving them a free copy of the book in Logos.
2 votes

Done · Last Updated


  • Member Posts: 226 ✭✭✭
    This is community pricing:

    Resources are put into production as soon as they're funded; they don't wait until "the existing staff has time".