Messianic revelation in the Old Testament / Gerard van Groningen

James Darlack
James Darlack Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
First published in a single volume - Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1990. Reprinted in 2 vols. - Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 1997.

Traces the messianic expectation as it is progressively revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures. The author first introduces the messianic concept, defining its terms and uncovering its source. He finds these messianic presentations rooted in, and shaped by, divine revelation. The major part of this volume explores messianism's philological, historical and theological aspects. "The result of this study," writes the author, "reveals that the messianic concept refers to a royal-priestly-prophetic person...and his work." Passages that deal with these messianic motifs "have been selected for close scrutiny and evaluation." The author believes that a correct understanding of messianism in the Old Testament requires a balanced hermeneutical approach -- from exegeting the relevant texts and studying their historical context to interpreting prophecy and organizing its theological truths. In the words of the author, "To omit one element is to do injustice to the Old Testament."
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