1 & 2 Thessalonians, I. Howard Marshall

Mark Smith
Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,818
Originally published in the New Century Bible series, it has been reprinted by Regent College Press. Twelfth on Best Commentaries list. A nice review can be found in Themelios, Volume 10, Number 2, January 1985. I hope Faithlife can get permission to publish this 'missing' volume from Marshall.

Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

Bridgeport, CT USA

2 votes

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  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There have been a few Logos resources from Regent College Publishing (https://www.logos.com/search?filters=publisher-5523_Publisher&sortBy=PriceLow), but I approached my friend Bill Reimer who is in charge of it and he said "They have approached me multiple times but our author royalties don’t compute with their model. They shouldn’t have any titles where we have the rights but may have some where we don’t have exclusive." So one can only hope.

    I don't know whether Regent has exclusive rights on this title, or whether rights are shared with Eerdmans who originally co-published it in 1983 along with Marshall, Morgan & Scott (the latter doesn't exist anymore; it merged to form Marshall Pickering, which was bought in 1983 by Zondervan, which is now owned by HarperCollins). Rights in publishing are a complex beast!
  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,818
    I wondered if you'd know something. Too bad about the royalties issue.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA